Saturday, January 14, 2023, Third-Quarter Moon before the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Hakeem Jeffries’ Speech To the 118th Congress, January 7 2023

Distinguished members of the House Democratic Caucus and the House Republican Caucus, it’s my high honor and distinct privilege to finally welcome all of you to the 118th Congress…

…Scripture says in Galatians, let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we will reap a harvest if we do not give up…

…As we begin this 118th Congress, let us continue to fight for lower costs. Let us continue to fight in this congress for better paying jobs. Let us continue to fight in this congress for safer communities. Let us continue to fight in this congress to defend democracy. Let us continue to fight in this congress to put and protect the public interests. Let us continue to fight in this congress for economic opportunity in every single zip code and let us continue to fight in this congress for reproductive freedom.

Because – Because as Democrats we do believe in a country for everyone… A country that provides for the poor. Works for working families. Makes sense for the middle class. Stands up for senior citizens. Innovates in the inner city. Strengthens suburban communities. Helps out the heartland and revitalizes rural America.

We believe in a country with liberty and justice for all, equal protection under the law, free and fair elections and yes, we believe in a country with the peaceful transfer of power.

We believe that in America our diversity is a strength. It is not a weakness. An economic strength, a competitive strength, a cultural strength. Our diversity is a strength. It is not a weakness. We are a gorgeous mosaic of people from throughout the world. As John Lewis would sometimes remind us on this floor, we may have come over on different ships but we’re all in the same boat now.

We are white, we are black, we are Latino, we are Asian, we are Native American, we are Christian, we are Jewish, we are Muslim, we are Hindu, we are religious, we are secular, we are gay, we are straight, we are young, we are older, we are women, we are men, we are citizens, we are dreamers.

Out of many we are one. That’s what makes America a great country. And no matter what kind of haters are trying to divide us, we’re not going to let anyone take that away from us, not now, not ever. This is the United States of America. A land of opportunity…

…So on this first day, let us commit to the American Dream. A dream that promises that if you work hard and play by the rules, you should be able to provide a comfortable living for yourself and for your family. Educate your children. Purchase a home. And one day retire with grace and dignity.

Let us commit on this first day to lift up the American Dream for every single person in this nation.

Now I recognize that this is a moment of transition. As we transition from one congress to the next, from one majority to the next. From a year of accomplishment, a year of accomplishment to a year of ambiguity. A moment of transition.

The American people understandably after the events of this week recognize that the congress is at a fork in the road. And are asking the question, what direction will we choose?

On this first day, I do not pretend to answer that question on behalf of my colleagues on the other side of the aisle. But we do extend our hand of partnership to you. And want to make clear that we extend and intend to try to find common ground, whenever and wherever possible on behalf of the American people. Not as Democrats, not as Republicans, not as Independents, but as Americans.

But I also want to make clear that we will never compromise our principles. House Democrats will always put:

American values over autocracy.
Benevolence over bigotry.
The Constitution over the code.
Democracy over demagogues.
Economic Opportunity over extremism.
Freedom over fascism.
Governing over gaslighting.
Hopefulness over hatred.
Inclusion over isolation.
Justice over judicial overreach.
Knowledge over kangaroo courts.
Liberty over Limitation.
Maturity over Mar-A-Lago.
Normalcy over negativity.
Opportunity over obstruction.
People over politics.
Quality of life issues over QAnon.
Reason over racism.
Substance over slander.
Triumph over tyranny.
Understanding over ugliness.
Voting rights over voter suppression.
Working families over the well-connected.
Xennial over Xenophobia.
Yes we can over You can not do it.
And Zealous representation over zero sum confrontation.

We will always do the right thing by the American people. So let us not grow weary of doing good. For the American people will reap the benefit of the harvest if we do not give up.

God bless you. God bless the House. And God bless the United States of America.

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